Reinforcement Learning Libraries
In this post I want to list the libraries I know for Reinforcement Learning. I am currently looking for a way to accelerate my research on Reinforcement Learning, so using good libraries is essential.
For other resources (books, courses, videos, etc), please see the resources that I listed here.
Reinforcement Learning
- CleanRL
- Garage
- TF Agents
- Dopamine
- Stable-Baselines3
- Unity Machine Learning Agents
- Ray RLlib
- Rliable
- ChainerRL - PFRL
Contextual bandits
- Mentioned in 1:
- ReAgent (previously Horizon)
- Decision Service (by Microsoft, uses Vowpal Wabbit internally. Sadly, I could not find the source code link)
- Ray RLlib
- David Cortes - Contextual Bandits
- HCDM - BanditLib
- Vowpal Wabbit
Testing Environments
Karampatziakis, Nikos, Sebastian Kochman, Jade Huang, Paul Mineiro, Kathy Osborne, and Weizhu Chen. “Lessons from Contextual Bandit Learning in a Customer Support Bot.” ArXiv:1905.02219 [Cs, Stat], June 18, 2019. ↩