Quotes I find inspiring
This is work in progress. I will edit later. But I want to have a place to put these quotes to see quickly. These may be not literal quotes, but paraphrasing, and may not be precise, so please consult the sources by yourself if you are interested.
- Peter Singer. Do as much good as you can (efficiently).
- Peter Singer. Passivity is bad. Pretending you did not see the evil does not let you out of the hook. You have responsability in any case.
- Jordan Peterson (in interview with Lex Friedman). Loving is also saying no to things, or not accepting thigns from the other person, or not putting up with their stupidity.
- He also cites Nietzche saying something about being careful of disguising your own deficiencies (cowardness, deceiveness) with moral principles. You may be a pacifist because you do not have the courage to enter conflict, you may not cheat on your wife because you lack the opportunities. The point is to be honest with oneself about what really your moral values are and what are not, and improve if you want.
- He also says that is almost a moral obligation to improve yourself, look for your family, and do as much as you possibly can.
- He mentions you should be careful of not ending up in a situation where you have only bad options.